There are decisive moments in life upon which a man's eternal life or eternal death depend. ☦️

There are decisive moments in life upon which a man's eternal life or eternal death depend. We do not know when this decisive moment will come for us--perhaps today--and because of this we must be unceasingly vigilant. Victor, a kinsman of St. Hieron [martyred in the year 298 A.D.], was arrested with him. On the day before their torture, Victor, in terror of the impending tortures, went to the prison warden and begged him to take his name off the list of the condemned and release him, promising to give him his land. The warden removed his name and released him. However, upon returning home, Victor died of natural causes in the same moment that St. Hieron and his companions died in torments for Christ. Thus Victor vainly missed the decisive moment: he lost his land, his friends and both his earthly and heavenly life. In that same decisive moment, Hieron gained all. No one vied for Victor's body, while many vied for Hieron's body. When Christians sought the head of Hieron from the eparch, he asked as much gold for it as it weighed. Chrysanthus, a wealthy and devout man, paid that much gold for the martyr's honorable head. Anthony and Matronian hid one of St. Hieron's severed hands and brought it to Hieron's mother, the blind Stratonika. She took her son's hand and wept bitterly: "O my beloved son, I gave birth to you whole, and now I have only one part of you!"


1 comment:

  1. Times are coming when we may have the chance to be martyrs. Will we measure up? Will we keep the faith?
