Were Only Adults Baptized in the New Testament?

An argument often made against Infant Baptism is the claim that only adults were baptized in the Bible. How does one KNOW there were no infants amongst the 3000 souls baptized in Acts 2? How does one KNOW there were no infants baptized amongst the “household” of Cornelius in Acts 10? Is a household made up of adults only?? Again, how does one KNOW there were no infants in the household of Crispus or the “many” Corinthians baptized in Acts 18?

Our Lord said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:14). Christ said elsewhere that if a person is to enter the kingdom of heaven, he must be “born again” of “water and the Spirit” (John 3:3-5). Who are we to dare to forbid the little children to be born again of the sacred waters of Holy Baptism? 

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