"Do you understand how youth does not hinder nor does old age help a man..."

In speaking about a handsome twenty-year-old youth named George--who, despite his beauty, youth and life among the conceited of the world, recognized the path of salvation and was enlightened by spiritual wisdom--St. Simeon the New Theologian concludes with these words: "Do you understand how youth does not hinder nor does old age help a man, if he does not have reason and the fear of God?" What prevented the young Apostle John from believing in Christ the Lord? What were the benefits of age to the Jewish elders when they were blinded in mind and in their blindness sentenced the Son of God to death? Youth in absolutely no way prevents the young, even in our time, from giving their faith and love to Christ, who created them out of love. Age does not benefit the aged in our time if their souls are poisoned with maliciousness toward Christ. Young and old bodies are nothing more than new and old garments of the soul. Either of these garments can conceal a healthy or a sick soul. Our goal is a healthy and clean soul.

- From the Prologue of Ohrid

1 comment:

  1. As they used to say, there's no fool like an old fool. Age doesn't confer wisdom on people who refuse to learn. In our time, we see widespread stupidity of both young and old.

    It's important we turn to Christ and His Church, the fount of true wisdom. It's the only way to give our children something better.
