No greater honor or greater calling ☦️

There is no greater honor or greater calling on earth than to be a Christian. When the judge-torturer Sevirus asked the young Peter Apselamus [suffered for the Christian Faith in 311 A.D.,]: "Of what lineage are you?" Peter replied: "I am a Christian." The judge further inquired of him: "What rank are you?" To this, Peter responded: "There is no greater or better rank than that of a Christian." Father John Kronstadt writes: "The whole world is but a cobweb in comparison to the human soul of a Christian." The Christian is an earthen vessel into which is poured divine power and light. Whether this vessel is placed on a golden royal throne or whether it is lowered into a dark hut of a beggar, its value will be neither magnified nor diminished. Does not gold have the same value whether it is wrapped in a silk handkerchief or in a cabbage leaf?

From the Prologue of Ohrid 

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