A seriously ill man was healed several weeks ago after his wife made a pilgrimage to the Holy Monastery of the Varnakova Panagia in Efpalio Greece, 145 miles west of Athens, from the Greek city of Agrinio, to pray before the monastery’s wonderworking Varnakova Panagia Icon, reports vimaorthodoxias.gr.

The wife of the ill man, Mr. Sotiris traveled with a group of pilgrims and a Fr. Theoklitos, to pray and celebrate the Divine Liturgy. “I had been ill for a long time, and doctors couldn’t figure out what I had. It had gotten to the point where I couldn’t drive the car, or go shopping with my kids,” Mr. Sotiris recalled.

“I sent my wife to the Panagia [Theotokos] to pray for help, because I was close to despair,” he stated. “As I was lying there in pain, suddenly at 9 in the morning I felt a light and joy together! I immediately realized that the Virgin had sent her grace. I made the Sign of the Cross and got up, which I did without any pain,” he said with joy.

“I felt strength and well-being. I got dressed, I washed, I combed my hair, and waited for my wife, full of joy and emotion. She came home at noon. When she saw me up and about, she began to cry from gratitude to God,” the healed man related.

In response to his miraculous healing, Mr. Sotiris went to the local Agrinio market to buy the largest candle he could find. “They looked me, but I didn’t care. I wanted to go, if possible, somewhere high and shout my thanks to God and to the Panagia,” he exclaimed, adding, “Let all people hear it and believe!”

Source: https://orthochristian.com/106853.html

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